Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

[I458.Ebook] PDF Download Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts

PDF Download Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts

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Timeline of World History Poster 24x36

Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts

Timeline of World History Poster 24x36

PDF Download Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts

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Timeline of World History Poster 24x36

Covering 3000 BCE - present, this world history timeline chart displays all the major empires, kingdoms, and civilizations throughout history in a synchronological (side-by-side) format so that the viewer can quickly see how different events in different places relate to one another. A conscious effort has been made to make the chart less Eurocentric than other such timelines and to incorporate newly discovered links between early civilizations. Printed on thick card stock using an eco-friendly process.

  • Sales Rank: #63688 in Books
  • Published on: 2015
  • Binding: Wall Chart
  • 1 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
really is useful!
By msalzer
As a World History teacher, I am always on the prowl for materials that will both engage my high school students and deepen their understanding of the world and its history. This chart works on both levels. It has color-coded designations of the major empires, at a glance showing contemporaneity for various time periods, and has accessible, brief, and relevant highlights through time. Students of varying levels should appreciate this chart, prodding some to learn more about something found within it and others to contextualize for the big picture. In a word, it's aptly named "useful."

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Very well done Timeline-of-History Wall Chart
By Terry J. Deveau
I keep this 60x90 cm wall chart right next to me at the computer where I write and refer to it frequently. It has an amazing amount of detail, yet portrayed in a visually appealing and straight-forward style. The vertical axis on the portrait-orientation chart is the time line, divided into centuries and historical ages (an inset gives a smaller-scale view of geological history back to the Big Bang). The horizontal axis is divided into geographical regions. Lots of photos share the space with helpful text notations. Lines and arrows allow you to follow migrations and cultural movements, such as Germanic Tribes moving in on Rome in waves and throwing the Western Roman Empire into the Dark Ages. There are even a couple of inset boxes giving interesting speculation about future events. It's a great tool for getting a visual overview of the most significant periods of history, how they relate in terms of time scale and location, as well as how they transitioned. Highly recommended.

17 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
Time on a Chart
By Harmony
I'm a history lover and I suppose I'd always unconsciously considered that events happened linearly--not simultaneously. When I finally realized that the world and its civilizations developed at the same time but separately, I knew I needed some resource to help me picture these developments. This chart has been a very effective learning tool for me to carefully place what I learn into the accurate time period along with its companion world developments. Thanks so much-- from one chartmaker to another!!

See all 42 customer reviews...

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[I458.Ebook] PDF Download Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts Doc

[I458.Ebook] PDF Download Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts Doc

[I458.Ebook] PDF Download Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts Doc
[I458.Ebook] PDF Download Timeline of World History Poster 24x36", by UsefulCharts Doc

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