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A treatise on cosmic fire, by Alice Bailey
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- Sales Rank: #5561344 in Books
- Published on: 1982
- Binding: Paperback
- 1367 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
97 of 99 people found the following review helpful.
Understanding and classifying the Livingness of Matter
By Dr Geo
This truly extraordinary book (abbreviated TCF) contains information at several levels. If you read and understand this book you will know and understand the Secret of Life. Matter is energy, as we know from E=mc(squared) but this book talks of all energy and matter as Life! This Life evolves at the atomic level, human level, planetary level, etc.
TCF has succeeded in describing and classifying many types of life inherent to matter/energy. It talks of the sumtotal of Life on the Physical Plane, the Astral Plane, the Mental Plane. Everything ever written about auras in Theosophical or New Age texts can be understood at depth in TCF. It talks about the chakras; not just the human ones, but those of animal/vegetable/mineral, and of the larger Lives such as for a Planetary Being (Logos).
The reader will soon see that TCF is an ambitious book; its words painting the inner bodies of humanity and a description of the Egoic Lotus or the vehicle of the human soul which "sends down" incarnations.
The remarkable thing about TCF is its coherence as a workable theory. Properly understood, it generalizes just about every New Age and Religious belief system, without being sectarian in any way. It accepts the sanctity of the Buddha, the Christ and other World Teachers. If you understand the "14 Rules of White Magic" from TCF you will have no need for Wicca as all of what it represents is subsumed in the knowledge of various devas and elementals. The "14 Rules" were themselves expanded into AAB's book "A Treatise on White Magic", which is written at a more superficial level than TCF.
My first reflective/meditative reading of TCF took me six months of daily 1 to 3 hour sessions in 1986. Even today, I count this time spent in real terms as an asset more valuable than my joy for knowledge which led me to obtain a PhD in mathematics.
My physical lifespan is of course limited. However, the insight I've gained from this book will serve me long after this incarnation is at an end.
49 of 49 people found the following review helpful.
By Catherine Gallanti
Deep, profound, complicated and eventually simple, like all truths....I have had this book for several years, I have read parts of many times and I am just about to delve into it yet again. A book to read and digest slowly. The information is so profound it takes time to assimilate and a certain level of previous understanding of metaphysical concepts to grasp at all. Not for the beginner on the path, just as a doctorate level physics text is not enjoyable for someone in secondary school. It takes some patience and dedication but is very much worth the effort. Profound.
40 of 40 people found the following review helpful.
Lucidity for the Soul
By Martin O'Connell
In my opinion this book was written for the training of the Soul and not the personality. It has been my opinion that this is a book written in a harmonic that resonates in understanding at a level above the concrete mind and should be read through even if not completely understood at the moment of reading.
I have had others verbally express the same opinion as above to me without my input. In my opinion this is a book that will keep coming back at you for a very long time.
Of the hundreds of books of similar orientation that I have read, I consider this one book to be the most Lucid! Of the approximately 1300 pages, the first 6 to 7 hundred addressing the creation of reality through mind, may change the way you participate with life!
As Buckeroo Banzai said, " No matter where you go, there you are!"
Also worth reading (though not at the level of the above, but still superb!) I. K. Taimni (Science of Occultism, and his other books) Torkom Saraydarian (Especially his Science of Meditation, and Science)
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