Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

[L418.Ebook] Download PDF Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter

Download PDF Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter

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Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter

Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter

Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter

Download PDF Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter

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Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter

In 2010, scientists led by J. Craig Venter became the first to successfully create "synthetic life"-putting humankind at the threshold of the most important and exciting phase of biological research, one that will enable us to actually write the genetic code for designing new species to help us adapt and evolve for long-term survival. The science of synthetic genomics will have a profound impact on human existence, including chemical and energy generation, health, clean water and food production, environmental control, and possibly even our evolution. In Life at the Speed of Light, Venter presents a fascinating and authoritative study of this emerging field from the inside-detailing its origins, current challenges and controversies, and projected effects on our lives. This scientific frontier provides an opportunity to ponder anew the age-old question "What is life?" and examine what we really mean by "playing God." Life at the Speed of Light is a landmark work, written by a visionary at the dawn of a new era of biological engineering.

  • Sales Rank: #11605407 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-10-17
  • Formats: Audiobook, CD, Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 6
  • Dimensions: 6.40" h x .90" w x 6.70" l, .60 pounds
  • Running time: 25020 seconds
  • Binding: Audio CD

From Publishers Weekly
Venter (A Life Decoded), a field giant of genetics, makes a persuasive case that synthetic biology will help us understand, appreciate, and improve our own biology. The impatient genius who arrogantly raced the U.S. government to sequence the human genome, Venter scores many firsts in this emerging field, including the creation—nearly from scratch—of the first synthetic bacterium. It was not a pure first, as he used cytoplasm from an existing cell to boot up his synthetic genome—which only deviated slightly from the genome of an existing bacterium. But it&'s a major coup; Venter&'s synthetic genome successfully instructed the cell to create living proteins. We can now change the software of life, which then changes its own hardware, as it were. Venter shares spellbinding stories from the frontiers of genomics—researchers creating living toolboxes out of mechanisms co-opted from varied life forms. For the wary, he notes nature itself mixes and matches species-specific mechanisms: our own mitochondria were once bacteria engulfed by, and incorporated into, our cells. Gene engineering opens new portals of life-designing potential, he argues, and he champions ethics reviews of such work. Venter instills awe for biology as it is, and as it might become in our hands. Agent: John Brockman, Brockman Inc. (Nov.)

From Booklist
When scientists finally succeed in transmitting to another galaxy the digital instructions for building a living organism, they will rely on science that Venter has pioneered. To understand the groundbreaking work Venter has done, however, readers must revisit Hooke’s seventeenth-century discovery of the cell as the primary structure of life and must peer into an anticipated future of teleportation via quantum entanglement. But the narrative largely focuses on the twentieth-century research fulfilling physicist Schrödinger’s hopes of finding the key of life in a biochemical aperiodic crystal. In particular, readers see how the double helix that Watson and Crick first recognized in DNA 60 years ago has become an adaptable scaffold for genetic engineers wielding potent pools for creating new life-forms. Readers will marvel at the potential that genetic engineering holds for making food, purifying water, generating energy, and curing diseases. Though they may wish to consult other sources to explore the philosophical and ethical issues he raises, readers will thank Venter for an insider’s perspective on epoch-making science. --Bryce Christensen

“Life at the Speed of Light provides an important look behind the hyperbolic headlines that often accompany synthetic biology, a guide to the future of life from one of the scientists helping to create it."
~Emily Anthes, The Washington Post
"When scientists finally succeed in transmitting to another galaxy the digital instructions for building a living organism, they will rely on science that Venter has pioneered.... Readers will thank Venter for an insider’s perspective on epoch-making science."
"A fascinating glimpse at a scientific frontier."
~Kirkus Reviews
“Craig Venter is a singular individual... at once inheritor of molecular biology’s prior triumphs and the wellspring of its future…He compellingly depicts his diverse research as a concerted effort to shuttle biology between the material and the digital worlds…a gripping tale and welcome antidote to dry materials and methods sections that make such sagas feel disembodied and inevitable.”
"Spellbinding stories from the frontiers of genomics.... Venter instills awe for biology as it is, and as it might become in our hands."
~Publishers Weekly
"[A] remarkable book."
~Scientific American
"A great read."
~Ricki Lewis, PhD,
“One of the world's leading scientists delivers a history of molecular biology and its many ramifications depicted as it has been and will continue to be, a creator of the golden age of modern biology. His style is that of a dispatch from the front, urgent and engaged, as only a participant could write it, and the best of its genre since James D. Watson's The Double Helix.”
~Edward O. Wilson, University Research Professor Emeritus, Harvard University
“In 1943 Erwin Schrödinger asked the question “What is life?” Craig Venter decided to find out. The first step in understanding something is to take it apart. The next step is to put it back together. Finally, prove that you haven’t neglected anything by building it yourself from scratch. In this articulate, precise, and uniquely first-person report from the front lines between biology and technology--commendably addressing the role of proteins as well as the nucleotides that code for them--Craig Venter sheds new light on Schrödinger’s question, while explaining how his own pioneering work reading and writing genetic sequences between living cells and computers is enabling life as we know it to take the first steps toward becoming something else. A landmark account.”
~George Dyson, author of Turing's Cathedral and Darwin Among the Machines
“Life at the Speed of Light takes you to the frontier of science to explain the exciting potential of synthetic biology.  Craig Venter, one of our most vivid and iconoclastic scientists,  weaves the history of our understanding of life with his personal journey as one of the key scientists in decoding the human genome, and now one of the leaders of research into programming DNA and even making synthetic living organisms.   It could prove to be one of the most important technologies of this century.”
~Nathan Myhrvold, co-founder of Intellectual Ventures and former Chief Technology Officer of Microsoft
“Humanity is entering a period of radical transformation and one reason is due to Craig Venter's research in creating new life forms based on computer designed synthetic DNA.  Life at the Speed of Light is his beautifully written, powerful and persuasive story on how DNA information and computers will blend in the coming singularity, that watershed in the evolution of humanity beyond which amazing new possibilities for life, society and everything we care about will emerge.” 
~Ray Kurzweil, author of How to Create a Mind and The Singularity Is Near

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
next life
By Renato Baserga
well narrated by the expert in the field. It is a fascinating story, and actually Venter underplays it as he does not delve into the multiple applications that can be derived from "new" cells. I am sure he is aware of what can be done with new cells, but somehow he does not spell it out, leaving it mostly to the reader's imagination. But Venter has been the first in other things, and it does not surprise me that he wanted to the first in replacing a "useless" nucleus with one made to order. Good luck to him; he deserves it.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
DNA "The Digital Concept"
By Rick B
Another Home run by J. Craig Venter. Science on the edge of our understanding, History the way it should be told, and a future of creation that we will witness in our life times. Read this book, and open your mind to the possibilities and it's realities. The author is not just telling a story, he is telling his story of his life's pursuit of what most considered impossible at the time. For those who have not read his prior book, "Cracking the Genome" Mr. Venter has been and continues to be one of the few people on the planet that has discovered all the genes in our and other species. He is the primary reason that in in the spring of 2000 that President Clinton could make the public announcement that our Human genome had been sequenced nearly 5 years ahead of schedule. I highly recommend both of these books.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Ventor and other real scientists should write more for intelligent citizens who wish be informed
By Joseph Mcdermott
J. Craig Ventor is without doubt a genius of DNA and molecular biology. He revolutionized the field of DNA sequencing.
The book contains much interesting information, but his authoring skills do not match his science. In particular the book is not always well organized. It should also be 100 pages longer. Dr. Venter has many interesting, even startling, observations but leaves us thirsty for more details. For these reasons I only give it 3 stars for style.

Now for the other side. If he writes a sequel, I will buy it. Regrettably popular science writing has declined into junk headlines and trivia. It is very hard for non-experts to find out what is going on in this and other vital fields. Dr. Ventor and other real scientists should write more for intelligent citizens who wish be informed. 5 stars for his effort.

See all 94 customer reviews...

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[L418.Ebook] Download PDF Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter Doc

[L418.Ebook] Download PDF Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter Doc
[L418.Ebook] Download PDF Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life, by J. Craig Venter Doc

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